Friends today is a sad, but proud day in the history of (punk) rock-n-roll and our lives. I woke up this morning to find that Joey Ramone had passed on Easter Sunday 2001. Ironically religion gets its Icon back and American punk culture loses theirs. I think an end of an era has come and I've never felt as old as I do right now. I remember in junior high when I heard the Ramones at a party or a skate park I knew that I was at the place to be. Right now I am listening to the Ramones Anthology. The songs mean a lot more to me today and alot of other bands mean so much less. Thanks always comes a day late and a dollar short but my respect has and will always be there for the band that showed me that simple songs and a simple life could make you happy. "Here today and Gone Tomorrow" Thank you to all of our Ramones for everything and Hail to the Chief. Oh yeah!! and the kid in the Ramones tshirt will always be cool....
Mike Dirnt
Posted by Brian Gray 4/17/01 @ www.GreenDay.Net